L’AQUILA – Two million and half is the estimated value of counterfeited goods seized in Abruzzo during 2017, according to the Iperico Database (Intellectual Property Elaborated Report of the Investigation on Counterfeiting), the integrated database concerning activities against counterfeiting, founded at the Italian Patent and Trademark Office of the Ministry of Economic Development.
The value of seizures carried out in Abruzzo constitutes 0,9% of those carried out on the national territory (€ 294.5 million) and place it at the 11th spot in the ranking of Italian regions, which is led by Campania, where they were touched 109 million of euros (37,0% of the national total), followed by Lazio (72 million corresponding to 25%) and Lombardia (36 million corresponding to 12,4%).
Compared to 2008, which is the first year for which this data are available, the value of seizures made in Abruzzo is decreased by 18.5%, less than what happened in Italy (-46,1%), where the declining trends of all the regions have contributed, with the exception of Piemonte (+245,1%) and Umbria (+36,1%).
During the analyzed period they emerge for Abruzzo the years 2011-12-13, which saw a considerable increase in the seized values especially in games and toys and other goods, category in which they converge furnishing objects and accessories, ceramic products, auto parts, paper products, fireworks, various machines, hardware and tools.
If the values seized annually, from 2008 to 2017, are added together, the total of Abruzzo reaches 83 million euros and represents 1,6% of the Italian total (5.3 billion euros), to whom Lazio (1.463 million corresponding to 27,7%), Campania (907 million corresponding to 17,2%) and Lombardia (875 million corresponding to 16,6%) contribute.
Distinguishing the different product categories it is noted that, excluding food and beverages, tobaccos and medicines not considered in the Iperico Database, the largest share of seized values in Abruzzo in 2017 is made up of electrical equipment (38,9%), followed by games and toys (22,8%), with percentages higher than Italian ones (8,5% and 16% respectively), clothing (20,6%) and clothing accessories (10,1%), with percentages lower than the national ones (37,8% and 27,8% respectively).